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SM&SF Fishing Club

Whether you’re an experienced fisherman or you're just a beginner, check out the SM&SF Fishing Club. By joining our club (note: you must be a member of the mother club) you will experience every type of fishing fun. From Great Lakes trips to Lake Erie and Lake Michigan, outings to the North Woods of Wisconsin, ice fishing and a Spring Tournament.

We network, learn and share fishing tips and tricks, fellowship through volunteering at our primary club’s activities such as herring breakfasts, mid-summer picnic and Fishing Club-sponsored dinners such as Bar-B-Q Ribs and Cornish Hens. The Fishing Club also has an annual awards dinner where we award members for outstanding catches in numerous categories. There's fine food, fellowship, and attendance prizes. This is a great opportunity for us to share those fish stories with each other over the past year.

SM&SF Gun Club

SM&SF Club has a trap shooting range located at the SM&SF Park, 7625 Kishwaukee Road. Trap shooting starts in late February and ends in late November. We have Spring, Summer and Fall league shooting. Each league is 10 weeks, plus a trophy day shoot. League shooting is on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings.

You don't have to be a seasoned shooter; anyone is welcome, men or women, young or old. Just get a 5-member team together and sign up. Also, we have open shooting, practice and game shooting on Thursday evenings, 4:30 until 9:00 p.m. Friday evenings starting at 6:30 p.m. we shoot a (Protection League), a game in which you draw a partner from a pool of shooters and you shoot as a team against the other shooters. It's a lot of fun.

So come out to the range and knock the dust off that shotgun. Need more information? Contact Craig Rice at 815-914-1721 or Andy Hutsell at 815-298-0646.

Note: You don't have to be a member of the SM&SF Club to shoot at the trap range

Women's Auxiliary

The SM&SF Women’s Auxiliary was founded in January, 1993. There are approximately 80 members in the Auxiliary. The purpose of the Women’s Auxiliary is to promote fellowship and understanding among ourselves and throughout our community, and to assist the SM&SF Club in working together to meet the successful completion of our many functions. The Auxiliary assists the Club in various events throughout the year and hosts a number of events including monthly dinners and breakfasts, Father’s Day breakfast, turkey dinner and a St. Patrick’s Day party. In December the Auxiliary also has a Christmas Party for all of its members.

The Auxiliary meetings are held the first Monday following the men’s membership meeting. New applicants must be a wife, widow, unmarried daughter (21 years of age or older) or a single mother/mother-in-law of a sworn male member in good standing of the SM&SF Club. Applications for membership may be brought before the members at any regularly scheduled membership meeting.

1010 Sandy Hollow Road

Rockford, IL 61109


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