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The SM&SF Club was established in 1898 as the Swedish Music & Sick Fraternity. At that time, Swedish singing societies were popular in the Midwest, with singing competitions being held throughout the year. The early Swedish immigrants were also a strong ethnic group that took care of each other, both physically and financially, during times of illness and death.

Today, the SM&SF Club is a non-profit social club with membership that exceeds 600 members. It still maintains an old tradition of caring for the community by its annual “Kick-In for Cancer” fundraisers that have raised over $30,000 a year to benefit the local hospital’s oncology departments and our local hospice care providers.



With this being my last newsletter, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone. It has been my pleasure serving as president of SM&SF Club the past two years.


I would like to welcome the new board. I believe we have made some needed improvements at the Park and Sandy Hollow. I foresee the new board continuing down the same path. Once again, thank you!


We have our Eggstra Special Egg Hunt coming up, with preparations underway. St. Patty’s Corned Beef and Cabbage is always a great meal as well.


Keep an eye out for events and activities— we’re always busy!


Matt Allen


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1010 Sandy Hollow Road

Rockford, IL 61109


©2025 The SM&SF Club. All rights reserved.